In every semester you teach a course, even for classes you've taught before, your newly created Module in myTIMeS will initially be empty. Please use the Import function to quickly copy content from a previous semester module and reuse the content for the current semester.

Step 1 : Go into the NEW module where you want to copy the content to.

Step 2 : At the tab navigation, Click on the "..." and select Course reuse.


Step 3 : Select "Import" from the drop-down list.

Step 4 : Choose the module you wish to import data from (use the search option to find a module not listed). Then, click "Continue".

Step 5 : Next, you will see a page with options on what type of data to be included in the import. By default, all the items will be toggled on(selected). 

The table below explains each of the items in the Import setting.

  • Include activities and resources
    • These are all the things you have added using the “Add a resource or activity” (e.g., Assignments, Files, Quizzes, Forums, etc.)
  • Include blocks
    • If you have added any additional blocks you will want to include this.
  • Include files
    • These are any files that have been added to your course.
  • Include filters
    • If you have changed any of the default filters you will want to include this.
  • Include calendar events
    • Anytime you add a date to an activity or resource, it will create a calendar event. You will most likely update these in your new module. As you make the changes in the new module, the calendar will automatically update.
  • Include question bank
    • Importing a quiz from course A to course B, will add all the questions to the question bank.
    • If you uncheck the question bank you will not be able to import any quizzes.
  • Include groups and groupings
    • The structure of the groups/groupings will be imported.
    • The application of group/grouping settings will be connected to the activities.
  • Include competencies
    • If you have incorporated competencies, you will want to leave this checked.
  • Include custom fields
    • The course custom fields data will be imported.
  • Include content bank content
    • H5P contents.


These are the recommendation of data to be included in the import.

  • Include activities and resources
  • Include question bank
  • Include content bank content

You may exclude other data and then click Next


Step 6 : On the Include screen, by default, all the items will be selected. Deselect any items you do not wish to transfer and click Next.

Note: Please always deselect Turnitin Assignment(s), which is not recommended to copy.

Step 7 : On the Confirmation and review page, you will see a next to the items that are to be imported and X next to the ones that will not be imported. Once you have confirmed and reviewed the settings, click "Perform Import".

Step 8 : Once you get the green "success" message, click Continue to return to the module. You should see all of the content you imported there.